Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Today's 213 Scribe 
by Brandy
Approved by BL on 2/12
   What did we learn or review today?
Grammar-- indefinite pronouns: singular/plural/both
Research-- primary/secondary resources
Literature--4 Q3 novel presentations 
   What was the lesson objective? Today's objectives were: 1. to find out where to find primary source documents to use in our research, and 2. use indefinite pronouns properly in writing (SV agreement) 

   What handouts were given?  Indefinite pronoun list for Thursday's quiz & peer critique sheets for Q 3 novel study presentations

   What were we expected to know and be able to do for the homework assignment?  How to find primary & secondary resources/ how to write thick questions/ how to make a basic assertion about a research topic (pre-research activity #3)

positive/negative/other classroom behaviors & circumstances I noticed...

Many absences... many students will need to catch up on the pre-research activities.  
Great presentations... those who offered to go first were obviously prepared and shared interesting information about novels.  
Extra! Extra! Read All About It! What other extraordinary kindly, scholarly, intelligent, dignified actions did you notice?
Some nice guesses about what a primary source document is-- specifically-- Alex H,  Kelton, Nick S-- did I miss anyone??? 

Monday, March 11, 2013

If I had been today's Scribe, this might be a sample blog I would have written...

213 Basic Class Events—Class Scribe Note Sheet
Date: March 11, 2013              
Scribe: Brandy

Teacher Approval/Comments: BL 2/13 
   What did we learn or review today? Today, we learned how to access the various online card catalogs for our school, other schools in the district & for local libraries so that we could find print resources.  
   What was the lesson objective? To find 3 print resources/books  and ask 3 thick questions about 3 possible research topics.
   What handouts were given? We got a packet/parent letter about blogs.  
   What were we expected to know and be able to do for the homework assignment?  We should know how to ask questions and find resources.  We should also create a G-mail/Google Drive account if we didn't do it earlier in the year.  
213 Stars
   Who helped a classmate? Many people worked to help classmates today because several people are more familiar with using online resources than others.  It was great to see so many people "pitching in" and giving assistance.  I was happy to see attentive, focused students who were researching possible topics with excitement.  

Other-- I had to stop and wait a few times for conversations to end before I could continue, but I was happy that not TOO much class time was wasted with moving from task to task.  Otherwise, it was a pretty good learning day today!  

Here is another sample Daily Scribe site I found... check it out!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Daily Scribe-- YOUR chance to shine

There are many, many ways to use Google in the classroom.  The "Daily Scribe" is just one.  The purpose is three-fold.

As a class, we will meet many common core standards as we use Daily Scribe: 
To maintain an ongoing record of class activities and learning

To demonstrate the ability to write a report of information

To demonstrate the ability to communicate through a blog post
You will become invested in your daily classroom experience while you are helping to build an interactive resource for yourself and your classmates. 
This concept is based on one teacher's efforts to create an online learning experience to  empower all students to become involved.  Daily Scribe-- How & Why

Using Google in the Classroom provides some detailed information on using Google powered tools on a daily basis.  

In order for you to be a contributor to this blog, you will need to provide me with your gmail (or other email address) so that you can be "invited" as a contributor.  Until that is done, you can post your scribe (for the day it is your turn to be the scribe) on Edmodo. Your classmates can access your scribe there as well.  Eventually, I would like to have ALL scribes housed in one place, but I know it will take time to get there!

As far as g-mail invitations go, rest assured your gmail address will remain private, and I will be the only one that has the access.  I will only use it to send the initial invitation to you.

Parental Consent: I will have parental permission forms available in the classroom, and you will need to have those signed by your parent or guardian also.

G-Mail Account: If you did not secure a g-mail address at the beginning of the year when we signed up for google docs originally, you will be prompted to do so before you can begin blogging.

While you are taking on this task, you will be working through the levels of learning in a real way-- you will develop an authentic understanding of the information that is presented to you.  You will take ownership.  You will learn to analyze and apply what you have learned.  You will become a stakeholder in your own education.  Isn't that exciting?